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I Putu Indra Wijaya Suwina adalah nama lengkapku, aku di lahirkan di probolinggo,oleh seorang Ibunda yang luar biasa begitu gigihnya untuk merawat aku, serta Ayahanda yang selalu membimbingku di kala mentari meredup untuk kembali terang menuju kebebasan.Kedua adik kembarku yang selalu mengingatkan aku di kala aku bimbang tanpa arah, sekilas itulah aku... "Mari Kita Berkawan"

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Setahun yang Lalu

Halo kawan – kawan sekalian, sudah lama nich aku udah gak pernah ngurus blog lagi

Hiks hiks hiks….., banyak tugas di sana sini yang belum beres. Tapi sekarang so pasti udah beres donk. Begini para Bloger dan rekan yang lagi asik baca dan mungkin juga akan membayangkan bagaimana rasanya kali ya sebuah penindasan, dan juga sebuah pembelajaran kepada setiap orang.

Ststttttt…. Jangan bilang siapa-siapa ya hehehehehe….. kayak mau cari apa aja.

Oke gays! Sekarang kita akan mulai cerita ini (eh salah bukan cerita sech tapi sebuah fakta dan penulis pun telah merasakannya walau singkat namun sangat berkesan sekali)

Setahun yang lalu aku memulai karier ku dengan beberapa kawan-kawan asing yang barang tentu belum aku kenal, namun itulah sebuah kehidupan klo hidup langsung kenal khan gak asik ya, dengan seiringnya berjalannya waktu akupun memulai untuk berinteraksi dan mulai mengenal kawan-kawan seperjuanganku untuk saling mengutamakan apa yang namanya bekerja keras dan mengerti akan pentingnya waktu. Yah.. awal bekerja dengan sebuah perusahaan ternama di Indonesia sebut saja yang namanya ‘G” Perusahaan ini sangat berkesan sekali dan orang –orang yang di dalamnya padha asik semuanya mereka sangat senang sekali dalam berbagi ilmu dan juga memiliki kekeluargaan yang luar biasa banget makanya cocok sekali dan mungkin ini sebuah anugrah dari Tuhan yang di berikan padaku untuk bekerja di perusahaan ini ya.Sudah punya rekan kawan yang padha baik pa lagi di dukung dengan pembelajaran yang luar biasa ekstrim sich!

Hehehe “just kidding” nah disini kami memiliki pemimpin yang luar biasa bijaksana dan memiliki wibawa yang bagus banget ya disini kami sebut saja sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki daya akses yang mendunia ya….

Selama setahun yang lalu aku berkutat dengan yang namanya Komputer wahhhhhhhh…. Apa itu?... aku sendiri kurang paham tentang computer tapi tau sendiri mulai dari SMP,SMA hiks hiks hiks…. Dapet nilai computer alias TI paling bagus angka 6 cuman pas mau kelulusan aja sich pak guru kasi nilai 7 syukur dach jadi gak selama ikut pelajaran yang namanya TI dapet nilai 6 terus.Namun Dengan aku ikut bekerja di perusahaan ini mungkin ini sebuah jalan yang memang harus aku jalani ternyata sedikit mendalami computer itu asik juga ya malah bisa jadi teman yang kedua setelah pacar kita hehehehehe bagi yg udah punya pacar kali ya sorry untuk yang masih Joomblo ya!ok “di lanjutin”.Nah sebelumnya dari cerita ini sebelum aku ikut di perusahaan ini anak kawan dari ayah aku sebut saja si A beliau yang mengajak aku dan mungkin dari beliaulah yang memberikan jalan aku untuk ikut belajar disini.dan dari beliaulah mungkin aku bisa belajar banyak disini.Selama 3 bulan bekerja aku selalu di bimbing dengan yang aku sebut sebagai guru besar sebut saja si “H” dan si “I” beliau yang mengajarkan aku apa yang namanya itu Network beliau juga yang banyak membimbing aku bagaimana cara yang benar dalam marketing, serta juga banyak juga kawan yang ikut mensuport aku sebut saja si “AP”,”DN” mereka yang selalu menjadi kawan sekaligus rekan yang sering dan selalu membantu aku di kala aku kebingungan dalam belajar,yah yang namanya anak tak lepas dari kesalahan dan kebimbangan walau sudah lama di ajarin ya tetap aja “ra DOnk Donk” mungkin cukup sampai disini sejarah setahun yang lalu .

Sekarang agak menyimpang sedikit ya di kasi hmmm…. “9 bulan 10 hari yang lalu” wahh aku menemukan sebuah permasalah yang mungkin sangat signifikan buatku dan bisa membuat isi otak kepalaku di buatnya kalang kabut mau Kerja dimana ya

Hiks hiks hiks hiks….. ada persahabatan,ada keakraban,ada keselarasan,keseimbangan saling asih asuh,tak lupa ada pertengkaran juga.yang bisa memecah belah sebuah rotasi bumi yang seharusnya berjalan secara seimbang namun saling beradu untuk siapa yang akan menuju ke bulan atau akan menuju ke matahari mungkin juga ada yang ingin mencapai bintang,itulah dilemma kehidupan manusia dimana ada rintangan pasti disana ada sebuah celah untuk menerobos rintangan itu.hampir 2 minggu aku dirumah tak bisa berpikir hanya bisa merenung dan terdiam diri saja tak nafsu makan,tak bisa tidur banyak banget seperti orang yang lagi komplikasi.ternyata mungkin ada sebuah keajaiban yang membuat aku untuk di panggil lagi oleh sebuah perusahaan terbesar no satu di sentero jagad raya sebut saja yang namanya perusahaan “P” disini kita memiliki atasan yah bias di bilang klo saya mau ajak bicara saya pribadi kurang paham maklum lah bahasa inggris aja waktu sekolah dapet nilai 5 terus hehehehe.sebut saja beliau”PJ” beliau yang mengajal kami lagi untuk bekerja di perusahaan nya yang mungkin notabene jika orang yang berpendidikan harus di test dulu dan ternyata beliau langsung menerima kami.mungkin dari etos kerja kami yang bias di sebut setia dan taat padha atasan dan sekarang di Bantu oleh “PI”asikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Mungkin itu ungkapan yang sampai hari ini aku ucapkan

Jalan menuju jalan TOL gak segitu doank tapi banyak jalan Makasih buat semuanya cukup itu aja dulu ya

Bingung aku mau cerita harus memulai untuk mengungkapkannya ke dalamnya ini.

Tapi mudah-mudahan dari ceritaku ini bias memberikan kesan positif kepada setiap orang

Marilah kita berpikir Positif kepada setiap orang tanpa memandang ras,suku,agama,warna kulit, apa lagi ya pokoknya banyak dach semoga semua berpikir Positif………………………..
“Maju Terus Pantang Mundur"
====Ayo Sekolah====

Tunggu Postingan Berikutnya... To Be Continue

Lesson 7 - Files & Folders

Computer hard drives hold an enormous amount of data or information. It is very important that all of the data is well organized. That way it is easy for the computer to find what it is looking for. Knowing how a computer's organization system works will help you to find what you are looking for. Computers use files and folders to organize data.

What is a file?

A file is a collection of data that is stored together. Files can be stored on a hard drive, a floppy disk, or a CD. Everything that a computer does is based on data stored in files. You can do lots of things with files - create them, name them, rename them, save them, or delete them. Certain files can even be looked at, listened to, and run.

In some ways, files are like television shows. All TV shows have 3 things, just like computer files:

  • Name
  • Location
  • Length

common extensions Just as you recognize your favorite TV program by its name, you can also recognize a file by its name. File names often consist of 2 parts: name and type. There are many different types of TV shows - comedies, dramas, cartoons, sports shows, game shows, etc. Similarly, computer files come in different types - text files, graphic files, program files, e-mail files, etc. In many computer systems, files are named so that you know what type of file it is just by looking at the abbreviation behind the name. A period is used to separate the name from the type, like this: "name.type". If TV show titles came in 2 parts like computer files, they would give the name of the program, followed by a period, followed by the type of show it is. It might look like this: "Sillykids.toon" or "EmergencyRoom.drama" or ""! One important thing that you should know about file types or extensions is that they are always written as abbreviations, usually with 3 letters. For example, a text file is shown as .txt and an executable program file is shown as .exe. You may not always see the extension on a file name, because many PCs offer the option of turning off the extension. Even though you don't see it, the computer still does. On the Macintosh system, however, the practice of naming files with extensions is not always followed; but you can see what kind of file it is by the icon or 'kind' identifier in the directory listings. Common Mac extensions you'll see are .sit (a compressed stuffit file), .hqx (a binhexed encoded file), .pdf (Adobe Acrobat file). Web pages (no matter what system) always use extensions to identify the kind of file - .htm or .html for the web pages, .gif for gif graphics, .jpg for jpg graphics and so on.

Files are stored in certain places within your computer, much like TV programs are shown on certain channels. So, to find a file you must know where it is located, just like you must know on what channel to find your favorite TV show. If you forget what channel a TV show is on, you can either flip through channels until you find the program or you can look in a TV guide to find the information you need quickly. The quickest way to find files on most computers is to use Find. This is a type of search program where you can type in the name of a file and the computer will search and tell you where the file is located. If you use a Windows Operating System, Find is located on your Start Menu. On a Macintosh System, Find! is located under File on the menu bar. (More on Start Menu and menu bar in Lesson 8).

TV Programs, like files, have specific lengths. TV shows may be 30 minutes long, 1 hour long, or several hours long. Files are not measured in time, but in bytes. If you'll remember from Lesson 3: Bits & Bytes, a byte is a measurement of stored data. Larger files may be measured in kilobytes or megabytes. The length of a file tells how much storage space that file is using within the computer.

Folders or Directories

With so many thousands of files stored inside a computer, it is very important to keep them organized. Folders, also known as Directories, keep files organized by grouping them together.

Imagine for a moment that you had a giant toy room filled with toys and you were given the job of organizing all of those toys. You decide to start the job by sorting all of the toys and grouping similar toys together. For example, you put all of your red marbles in a box and all of your blue marbles in another box and all of your clear marbles in a third box. Then, you put all of those boxes into a bigger box and label it "marbles". Then, you might even put the "marbles" box into a bigger box that contains boxes of "super balls" and "tennis balls" and "baseballs". You would name that big box "balls". If you continued to organize toys that way, you would end up with an entire room of boxes with labels that contain similar kinds of toys. Then if you needed to find your plastic brontosaurus, you would know to open the box labeled "toy animals" and go past the "bug box" and the "reptile box" until you find the "dinosaur box" - open it and there is the brontosaurus! In this example, the toys are like files and the boxes are like folders. Your computer is set up to store similar files in specific folders. Then similar folders can be put inside other folders, and so on.

Many times, the computer will automatically store files in certain folders in order to keep itself organized. However, when you create new files, you must decide which folders to put them. You can even create new folders to store your files. For example, let's say that a boy named Adam wants to make a folder of all the fun things he creates on the computer. With an adult's help, Adam creates a folder titled "Adam". Within that folder, he creates 3 new folders titled "stories", "drawings" and "jokes". Then, when Adam writes a story called "Alien Tap Dancing", he stores or saves that file that contains the story in the "stories" folder. On a PC, the file name would be "Alien Tap Dancing.txt" because it is a text file.

file location The best way to keep up with a file is to know its address. The address basically tells you what drive and folders to look in for a file. For example, the address for Adam's story might look like this on a Macintosh system: "Macintosh HD\Users\Adam\stories\Alien Tap Dancing" (Macintosh HD indicates the hard drive). On a PC, the address might look like this: "C:\\My Documents\Adam\stories\Alien Tap Dancing.txt". In this case, the letter "C" indicates the hard drive, as most PCs assign a letter to each drive in the system. Note, that the file address always includes the drive, folder(s), and file name in exactly that order.

Be A Responsible Computer User

Understanding the relationship between files and folders, and how they are addressed and located within your computer system is a very important part of using a computer. Beginners should make it a priority to learn about this early in their computer education. Never delete, move or rename a file unless you are absolutely sure of what you are doing! A computer relies on many files to keep itself running correctly, so changing or deleting those files can cause major computer malfunctions. When in doubt, ask a parent, teacher or other expert for assistance. The safest way to learn about using files and folders is to ask for help in setting up your own personal folder, then creating new folders and files within it.

Operating Systems

What is an Operating System?

The most important program on any computer is the Operating System or OS. The OS is a large program made up of many smaller programs that control how the CPU communicates with other hardware components. It also makes computers easier to operate by people who don't understand programming languages. In other words, operating systems make computers user friendly.

Do you remember ROM (Read Only Memory) and RAM (Random Access Memory) from Lesson 2? ROM and RAM are very important to the OS. Part of a computer's operating system is built into ROM. That part contains the most essential programs that the computer needs in order to run correctly. BIOS The ROM operating system is also known as the BIOS (Basic Input Output System). You may remember from Lesson 2 that the BIOS is responsible for waking up the computer when you turn it on to remind it of all the parts it has and what they do.

The operating system also contains other programs that are important, but not essential to making the computer run. The part of the operating system that contains these programs is stored on a computer's hard drive and is booted to RAM whenever the computer is turned on. This part of the operating system is known as DOS which stands for Disk-based Operating System.

Types of Operating Systems

Different computer manufacturers use different operating systems. Apple has specific operating systems for its line of Macintosh computers. When IBM released their Personal Computer or PC back in the early 1980's, they did not get a copyright on it, which allowed many other companies to build similar computers that were IBM-compatible; in other words, they used the same operating system as the IBM PC. There are different operating systems available for PCs, but the most common is Windows, which was developed by a company named Microsoft. Windows is similar to the Macintosh operating system, because it also uses a mouse and a GUI (Graphical User Interface) that uses graphics or pictures to help the user navigate within the computer system.

There are several versions of Windows (95, 98, NT, 2000), just as there are several versions of Macintosh operating systems (System 7, System 8). Operating systems are constantly being improved or upgraded as technology advances. When a company thinks that their operating system is now more advanced than the one already on the market, they release their new version for sale. Users can then purchase the new version and upgrade the part of the operating system that is stored on the hard drive. The ROM OS is not affected by the upgrade. Upgrading an operating system can have several advantages, such as simplifying tasks and navigation. However, there can be disadvantages, too. Many Windows 95 users upgraded to Windows 98 and discovered that many of their older programs would no longer run using the new operating system.

The Computer Revolution

The introduction of the Macintosh OS and the later introduction of Windows played a large part in making computers accessible to so many people. The user-friendly interfaces of both operating systems made it easier for people with no computer training to learn to use these amazing machines. Other machines, such as typewriters and payroll calculators quickly became a thing of the past, as computers became so easy to use and so affordable.


The purpose of storage in a computer is to hold data or information and get that data to the CPU as quickly as possible when it is needed. Computers use disks for storage: hard disks that are located inside the computer, and floppy or compact disks that are used externally.

Hard Disks

Your computer uses two types of memory: primary memory which is stored on chips located on the motherboard, and secondary memory that is stored in the hard drive. Primary memory holds all of the essential memory that tells your computer how to be a computer. Secondary memory holds the information that you store in the computer.

Inside the hard disk drive case you will find circular disks that are made from polished steel. On the disks, there are many tracks or cylinders. Within the hard drive, an electronic reading/writing device called the head passes back and forth over the cylinders, reading information from the disk or writing information to it. Hard drives spin at 3600 or more rpm (Revolutions Per Minute) - that means that in one minute, the hard drive spins around over 3600 times!

Today's hard drives can hold a great deal of information - sometimes over 20GB!

How Hard Disks Work

The process of reading and writing to a hard disk is done with electricity and magnetism. The surfaces of this type of disks can be easily magnetized. The electromagnetic head of the disk drive records information to the disk by creating a pattern of magnetized and non-magnetized areas on the disk's surface. Do you remember how the binary code uses on and off commands to represent information? On the disk, magnetized areas are on and non-magnetized areas are off, so that all information is stored in binary code. This is how the electronic head can both write to or read from the disk surface.

It is very important to always keep magnets away from your computer! The magnets can erase information from the hard disk!

Compact Disks

Instead of electromagnetism, CDs use pits (microscopic indentations) and lands (flat surfaces) to store information much the same way hard disks use magnetic and non-magnetic storage. Inside the CD-ROM is a laser that reflects light off of the surface of the disk to an electric eye. The pattern of reflected light (pit) and no reflected light (land) creates a code that represents data.

CDs usually store about 650MB. A DVD or Digital Video Disk holds even more information than a CD, because the DVD can store information on two levels, in smaller pits or sometimes on both sides.

Why Do You Need External Disks?

You might wonder: If all the information is stored safely inside my computer, why would I need to store it outside? There are several reasons why portable storage is so important.

CDs and other kinds of external memory make it possible to backup important information in case it is lost by the computer. Do you remember in Lesson 2, we talked about RAM and ROM? RAM loses its memory each time the computer is turned off, but ROM keeps information stored even when the computer is not turned on. Well, sometimes computers have problems that can cause them to crash. No, that doesn't mean they jump off the desk and smash on the floor. A crash is something that happens inside the computer's circuits and can make it forget things. Some crashes can even make ROM forget everything! Having important information backed up on disks will allow you to put it back into your computer's memory. Backup disks can save you lots of time and headaches.

Disks also allow information to be transferred between different computers. Let's say that you are working on a project using a computer at the library, but you don't finish it by closing time. There's your project sitting in the computer. How do you get it home to finish it on your computer? You write the information to a disk, take it home and upload the information into your computer from the disk. What an easy way to transfer information!

Uses of Compact Discs

The most common use for compact discs (aside from playing music) is storage of software programs. When you purchase a computer game, the program that tells your computer how to run the game is stored on a CD. You move the program into your computer's memory by installing it. Some programs are transferred completely into your computer's hard drive. However, many programs are very large and would take up lots of memory space on your hard drive. To keep that from happening, these programs are designed to only upload part of the program onto your computer. The rest of the program stays on the software disk. The program cannot be run from your computer unless you have the CD in the disc drive so that RAM can read the rest of the program from it.

With the introduction of CD-RW (disc drives that can write to compact discs as well as read from them), CDs can now be used for storage. Using a CD-RW, computer data can be backed up to a CD. All kinds of information can now be saved on CD. Many people store music files or family photos on CD.

Bits & Bytes

Did you know that all of the information that travels through your computer is based on two commands? It's true. The only data that a computer can understand is on and off. But, the millions of combinations of those two commands given in series are what make a computer work.

Binary Code

binary code Remember the power supply that is inside your computer and how it sends electricity to all of the components? That electricity is what creates an on signal. The memory chips inside your computer are divided into thousands of tiny compartments called bits. Each bit has an electronic switch or gate. On means the gate is open and letting electricity go through. The computer reads on or open switches as a number 1. Closed gates are off because the electricity is blocked and cannot get through. The computer reads off bits as 0. It is by grouping these bits together to form a series of 1/0 commands, that data is formed. Eight bits are grouped together to form a byte. In this group of eight, there are 256 possible combinations of 1/0. The grouping of 1/0 within a byte is called Binary Code.

binary path Here's an example of the Binary Code in action: When you type the letter A on your keyboard, electrical signals are sent from the keyboard to the CPU. The CPU turns the signals into binary code. Then, the computer reads the code and sends it on to the monitor to display the letter A.


You may have seen these abbreviations many times before. Do you know what they mean?

  • KB = kilobyte = about 1,000 (one thousand) bytes, (1024 or 2^10)
  • MB = megabyte = about 1,000,000 (one million) bytes, (1,048,576 or 2^20)
  • GB= gigabyte = about 1,000,000,000 (one billion) bytes (1,073,741,824 or 2^30)

As you can see, these abbreviations stand for a specific number of bytes. And each byte holds 8 bits capable of forming 256 combinations of 1/0. Wow!

The number that comes before one of these abbreviations represents the computer's memory capacity. For example, if a computer has 64MB of RAM that means that the computer can handle 64,000,000 (64 million) bytes of random access memory (that's 64,000,000 microscopic 8-bit panels). Hard disk space is also measured in bytes. So, a 15GB hard drive has 15,000,000,000 (15 billion) bytes for storing memory.

Look at your keyboard. Each character key is represented by a number that is held in a single byte. Remember how the letter A is sent to the CPU to be translated into binary code? The numerical value of the uppercase letter A is 65. That number 65 is represented in one byte - a combination of 1 and 0 or on and off switches. The computer cannot understand letters, so it translates them into numbers that are represented by patterns of on and off. To get an idea of how much on/off data a computer can store, just imagine pressing one key one billion times! How long would it take? If you pressed the key 5 times per second, it would take you over 6 years of continuously typing to reach 1 billion keystrokes equal to 1GB of memory! And many computers today can store over 20GB of memory on their hard disks! Incredible! So, the next time your computer is taking a long time to load a web page, think of how fast it really is going!


different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent


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